Saturday, February 14, 2009

Towards publishing...

Adventures excite me. Being a thirty year old white male in America means that any adventure I experience is usually between my ears. My adventure is an intellectual one, no doubt. It is one that I find difficult to share with others. While I might take the nuances of epistemology to be fascinating, most others have heralded it it as the great cure for insomnia. Nonetheless, this blog page is my feeble attempt at bringing my adventure to others in my world.

I am closer to publishing than I was one year ago. I have written over ten papers and am positioning myself to write a case study and attempt to publish it in the national PT journal. This in itself is encouraging.

Recently I have writen several essays for graduate school. The one recurring theme in my essays is my desire to become a researcher. In this career I hope to be able to contribute to the body of knowledge in physical therapy. Research is not an end point in my desire, though. Perhaps more motivating for me is a desire to become a voice that shapes the way in which physical therapy knowledge is intuited, refined, and published as truth.

I would like to follow in the foot steps of Michael Polanyi. Polanyi was a Hungarian physician who went on to become a physical chemist and then philospher. During his career he worked brilliantly to shape scientific epistemology. Through his work he outlined the personal scope of knowledge; he showed that learning knowledge is not some mechanical process, but is rather a personal process. Gaining knowledge involves everything from epiphany to mentorship to critique. And that's what I want to bring to the table in my writing.

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