The spread of the data indicates to what degree all the data points vary away from the average. Standard deviation is a number that indicates the average distance of all data points from the average. Higher standard deviations indicate that the range of data spread further on either side of the average. See the lines on either side of the central average line on the graph below? The first line on either side of the average line indicates a point that is 1 standard deviation from the mean. The next line indicates a point that is 2 standard deviations away from the mean. Particular to the normal bell curve is the reality that 67% of all data will be only one standard deviation from the mean and 95% of the data only 2 standard deviations away from the mean.

The shape indicates whether the bell curve has a long tail to the left [negative skew], long tail to the right [positive skew], tall curve [leptokurtic], flat cruve platykurtic). Any distortion of the bell curve impacts statistical calculations as basic statistics assume a normal bell curve. See below for depictions of skewed data.
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